Palm Tree - Class 7 English

Palm Tree - Class 7 English

Palm Tree - By Rabindranath Tagore

Summary of the poem “Palm Tree” by Rabindranath Tagore

Palm Tree by Rabindranath Tagore is an imaginative poem in which the poet shows the feelings and aspirations of a Palm tree. The poet feels that the Palm tree has a longing to go beyond the ceiling of grey clouds in the sky, it wants to fly away but sadly it has no wings. After the wind stops the tree appears to have realized that it belongs to earth that is its mother and then it stands quietly. Through the poem the poet teaches the moral value that we should be fond of what we are and we should not try to become someone else.

Questions and Answers

  1. The poem vividly describes the movement of the tree in a wind. Complete the sequence chart to trace the movement.
  2. Ans - The tree raises itself over other trees – The tree spreads its fronds like wings to fly – Flies in his own mind across the skies – Finally the wind is still and the tree returns to mother earth.
  3. Read these lines and answer the questions that follow.
  4. a. The palm tree stands
       On one leg, sees
       Past other trees
       Into the sky 
    1. These lines tell us that the tree is:
    2. Ans. Taller than other trees
    3. What does one leg signify? What is the poetic device used here?
    4. Ans. One leg signifies the trunk of the tree, the poetic device used here is personification.
    5. What is the action that the poet imagines the tree doing?
    6. Ans. The poet imagines the tree to be flying in the sky.

    b. At length his wish
       He starts to spread
       Around his head
       In big sound, fronds:
    1. What according to the poet, does the tree wish?
    2. Ans. The tree wishes to pierce the clouds and soar away.
    3. In the poet’s imagination, what does the tree think about its fronds?
    4. Ans. The tree thinks that the fronds are its wings.
    5. What does the poet compare the palm tree to? How apt or suitable is this comparison?
    6. Ans. The poet compares the palm tree to a bird. It may be suitable to some extent because the Palm tree is a tall tree and when it sways with the wind, it seems to be touching the sky.

    c. But when the wind
       Is still at last
       And the leaves hushed.
       Back homeward then
       He turns his thoughts
    1. Where do the thoughts of the tree turn?
    2. Ans. The thoughts of the tree turn back towards home to the earth from the sky.
    3. What does the poet mean by when the wind/Is still?
    4. Ans. By when the wind/Is still, the poet means that the wind has stopped blowing.
    5. Where was the mind of the tree before this?
    6. Ans. The mind of the tree was in the sky and clouds, soaring with the winds, before this.

  5. What is the poem about? In two or three lines, summarize the subject of the poem.
  6. Ans. The poem is about a Palm tree that wants to get away from home and wander in other lands. In other words, it talks about those who want to explore new places. The poem highlights the fact that whatever you do and wherever you go when the fire within you dies, when the wind stops blowing you, you will realize that there is no place like home.
  7. What is the mood or atmosphere of the poem? Does it sound happy, sad, defiant, thoughtful, triumphant or unemotional?
  8. Ans. The mood or atmosphere of the poem is defiant (defy - Appear to be challenging (someone) to do or prove something). The poem starts on a defiant note where the tree wants to fly irrespective of the fact knowing that it is rooted to the earth but at the end when the wind stopped blowing realization stuck so it became grounded.
  9. Does the poet offer us a message or a point of view through this poem? If so, what is it?
  10. Ans. The poet talks about loving your motherland despite having big dreams and aspirations. He says that it is always comforting to return to your motherland.