Active and Passive Voice

Active and Passive voice - Class 7, Class 9

  • Active voice - The form of the verb which shows the importance of its subject(doer of the action) is called the active voice.

  • Passive voice - The form of the verb which shows the importance of its object(receiver of the action) rather than the subject, it is called the passive voice.

  • General Rules to express a passive voice:

    1. The Passive voice is formed by using appropriate forms of the verb be with the third form of the main verb.
    2. The object takes the place of the subject.
    3. The subject is either left out or mentioned at the end as a mere agent of the action done.
    4. The verb does not change its tense, but its form only.
    5. The preposition by is mostly used to show the subject as an agent of action. Sometimes other prepositions like to, with, at and in etc. are used in place of by.
    6. Prepositions inseperable attached with the verb in the active voice are not dropped while using by.
    7. There is no passive voice of the verbs used in Future Continuous tense and the three (Present/Past/Future)Perfect Continuous forms.

    Rules :Chaning various forms of verbs from active voice to passive voice

  • Present Indifinite Tense - Passive voice is formed by using is, am, or are before the third form of the verb.
  • Present Continuous Tense - Passive voice is formed by using is or am or are + being + third form of verb.
  • Present Perfect Tense - Passive voice is formed by using has or have + been + third form of verb.
  • Past Indefinite Tense - Passive voice is formed by using was or were + third form of verb.
  • Past Continuous Tense - Passive voice is formed by using was + were + being + third form of the verb.
  • Past Perfect Tense - Passive voice is formed by using had + been + third form of verb.
  • Future Indefinite Tense - Passive voice is formed by using will/shall + be + third form of verb.
  • Future Perfect Tense - Passive voice is formed by using will/shall + have been + third form of verb.