One word substitution

One word substitution

  1. A person who is above hundred years – Centenarian
  2. A book published after the death of its author – Posthumous
  3. A person whom we do not know – Anonymous
  4. A cinema show which is held in the afternoon – Matinee
  5. A citizen of the world – Cosmopolite
  6. A contagious disease which spreads over a huge area – Epidemic
  7. A Government by a king or a queen – Monarchy
  8. A Government by one – Autocracy
  9. A Government by the few – Oligarchy
  10. A Government by the nobles – Aristocracy
  11. A Government by the officials – Bureaucracy
  12. A Government by the people – Democracy
  13. A Government by the rich – Plutocracy
  14. A handwriting that can’t be read – Illegible
  15. A land animal that breeds in water – Amphibian
  16. A life history written by oneself – Autobiography
  17. A life history written by someone else – Biography
  18. A list of books – Catalogue
  19. A list of chapters at the beginning of a book – Index
  20. A man devoid of kind feeling and sympathy – Callous
  21. A man who has too much enthusiasm for his own religion – Fanatic
  22. A man who is easily irritated – Irritable
  23. A medicine that kills germs – Germicide
  24. A medicine that prevents decomposing – Antiseptic
  25. A medicine to counteract the effect of another medicine – Antidote
  26. A person who does not believe in the institution of marriage – Misogamist
  27. An unmarried woman - Spinster
  28. An unmarried man - Bachelor
  29. A person who hates women – Misogynist
  30. A person who imports or exports goods into or from a country secretly because they are illegal – Smuggler
  31. A person who knows everything – Omniscient
  32. A state of perfect balance – Equilibrium
  33. A statement which cannot be understood – Incomprehensible
  34. A study of ancient things – Archaeology
  35. A study of animals – Zoology
  36. A study of birds – Ornithology
  37. A study of men – Anthropology
  38. A study of races – Ethnology
  39. Misappropriation of money – Embezzlement
  40. Murder of a one’s brother – Fratricide
  41. Murder of a human being – Homicide
  42. Murder of one’s father – Patricide
  43. Murder of one’s mother – Matricide
  44. Murder of an infant – Infanticide
  45. Murder of self – Suicide
  46. Murder of a King – Regicide
  47. A man showing feminine attitude – Effeminate/Sissy
  48. A person who can use both hands effectively – Ambidextrous
  49. An animal feeding on grass and plants – Herbivorous
  50. Animals living in flocks – Gregarious
  51. Incapable of being tired – Indefatigable
  52. One who always thinks himself to be ill – Valetudinarian
  53. One who believes in fate – Fatalist
  54. One who believes in God – Theist
  55. One who does not believe in God – Atheist
  56. Absence of Government – Anarchy
  57. Animals that eat all kinds of food – Omnivorous
  58. An animal that preys on other animals – Predator
  59. An assembly of hearers at a lecture or a concert – Audience
  60. An exact copy – Facsimile/Xerox
  61. An office with salary but no work – Sinecure
  62. One who does not care about art, literature, etc. – Philistine
  63. One who does not make mistake – Infallible
  64. One who does something not professionally but for pleasure – Amateur
  65. One who doubts the existence of God – Agnostic
  66. One who eats too much – Glutton
  67. That which is prohibited by law – Illicit
  68. That through which light partly pass – Translucent
  69. That through which light cannot pass – Opaque
  70. That which cannot be avoided – Inevitable
  71. That which cannot be satisfied – Insatiable
  72. That which is against law – Illegal
  73. That which is lawful – Legal
  74. That which is unlikely to happen – Improbable
  75. The action of looking back on past time – Introspection
  76. Water fit for drinking – Potable
  77. Without life – Inanimate
  78. Without payment – Gratis
  79. Words which have the same meaning – Synonyms
  80. Words which have the different meaning – Antonyms
  81. Words written on the tomb of a person – Epitaph
  82. Work for which no salary is paid – Honorary
  83. Worship of idols – Idolatry
  84. Incapable of being expressed – Inexpressible
  85. Incapable of being conceived – Inconceivable
  86. Incapable of being heard – Inaudible
  87. Incapable of being conquered or overcome or defeated – Invincible/Unconquerable
  88. Incapable of being seized – Impregnable
  89. Incapable of being pierced or penetrated – Impenetrable
  90. Incapable of being passed over or surmounted – Insurmountable/Insuperable
  91. Incapable of being seen – Invisible
  92. Incapable of being exhausted – Inexhaustible
  93. Incapable of being defended – Indefensible
  94. Incapable of being reached or approached – Inaccessible/Un-approachable
  95. Incapable of being admitted – Inadmissible
  96. Incapable of being admitted – Inadmissible
  97. Incapable of being applied – Inapplicable
  98. Incapable of being believed – Incredible/Unbelievable
  99. Incapable of being altered – Unalterable
  100. Incapable of being recovered – Irrecoverable
  101. Incapable of being resisted – Irresistible
  102. Incapable of being divided – Indivisible
  103. Incapable of being disputed – Indisputable
  104. Incapable of being reconciled – Irreconcilable
  105. Incapable of being done – Impossible
  106. Incapable of being questioned – Unquestionable
  107. Incapable of being borne, or endured, or tolerated – Unbearable/Undurable/Intolerable
  108. Incapable of being elected or chosen – Ineligible
  109. Incapable of being corrected – Incorrigible
  110. Incapable of being dissolved – Insoluble
  111. Animals living on human flesh – Cannibals
  112. One who is all-powerful – Omnipotent/Almighty
  113. One who knows or sees everything – Omniscient
  114. Liable to be easily kindled – Inflammable
  115. Animals living on both land and water – Amphibian
  116. animals that live predominantly or entirely on land - Terrestrial animals
  117. animals that live predominantly trees - Arboreal animals
  118. One who is present everywhere – Omnipresent
  119. One looking at the bright side of things – Optimist
  120. One looking at the dark side of things – Pessimist
  121. A paper written by the hand – Manuscript
  122. A speech delivered for the first time in an assemble – Maiden speech
  123. A speech full of too many words – Verbose speech
  124. A speech delivered without previous preparation – Extempore speech
  125. The custom of having more than one wife – Polygyny
  126. The custom of having more than one husband – Polyandry
  127. The customer of having more than one spouse - Polygamy
  128. A word which is no longer in use – Obsolete
  129. One who speaks for others – Spokesman
  130. One working in the same place – Colleague
  131. One unable to pay one’s debt – Bankrupt/Insolvent
  132. Beyond the power of nature – Supernatural
  133. Destitute of knowledge – Ignorant
  134. One who has the same name as another - Namesake
  135. Speaking or writing many languages – Polyglot
  136. One who knows many languages - Linguist
  137. One who speaks less - Reticent
  138. Doctor who treats ailment of eyes - Opthalmologist
  139. Doctors who specializes in female treatment - Gynecologist
  140. Doctor who specializes in teeth treatment - Dentist
  141. Doctor who specializes in ear, nose, throat - ENT
  142. Doctor who specializes in gums disease - Peridontist
  143. Doctor who specializes in bone problems - Orthopedician
  144. Doctor who specializes in heart problems - Cardiologist
  145. Doctor who specializes in skin diseases - Dermatologist
  146. Doctor who specializes in child treatment - Paediatric
  147. Door partly open - Ajar