Idioms and Phrases

Idioms and Phrases

Abide by - (remain faithful to): You must abide by the terms of your contract

To abound in – (to be plentiful): India abounds in wheat

To abound with – (be infested with): The city abounds with police patrolling the streets because of lockdown

To beat about the bush – (repeat the same point): Please do not beat about the bush, tell me what you want to say

Hang about – (hover): Do not let unknown persons hang about your house

Out and about – (restored to normal activity after illness): I hope my friend suffering from cold and cough will be out and about in a week

Dotted about – (covered): Due to the cyclone Tauktae, plastic waste is dotted about the sea coast of Gujarat

To come about – (happen): Many changes have come about in India after the attainment of Independence

Over and above – (in addition to): He gets a bound on sales over and above his salary

In accordance with – (in arrangement with): In accordance with your request, I am sending the book you had asked for

On account of – (because of): On account of my sickness, I could not attend school

To gain an advantage – (to acquire): On account of strategic planning by Indian Government we have somewhat managed to curb the catastrophe caused by Covid-19

Look before and after – (waste time in vain regrets on dreams): A successful person does not look before and after

From afar – (at a great distance): All gifts look beautiful from afar

After one’s heart – (such as one loves): This house is after my heart

Time and again – (repeatedly): The teacher time and again asked the students to complete their daily homework

To agree with – (suit): The summer season of Delhi does not agree with me

To build castles in the air – (visionary objects): Do not build castles in the air

Air of absurdity – (appearance of foolishness): He has an air of absurdity about him

With a triumphant air – (show the victory): He entered the house with a triumph

All and sundry – (individually and collectively): All and sundry came to the meeting

To lead to the altar – (to marry): He led a beautiful woman to the altar

Answer to the door – (meet a caller): When at home I usually answer to the door

At any rate – (in any case): At any rate, I cannot go out of my house because of strict lockdown

Apple of the eye – (any cherished object): My sister is an apple of the eye for our family

With open arms – (cordially): They welcomed us with open arms

Keep at arm’s length – (avoid familiarity): We must keep strangers at arm’s length

Lay down arms – (cease hostilities): The soldiers refused to lay down their arms