Kinds of Sentences - Class 7 Grammar

Kinds of Sentences - Class 7 Grammar

Sentence - A sentence may :
(i) state a simple fact - positive or negative
(ii) ask a question
(iii) express a request, command, proposal or an advice etc.
(iv) express a wish
(v) express a sudden feeling
So, there are basically five kinds of sentences which are :
1. Statements or Assertive Sentences
2. Questions or Interrogative Sentences
3. Commands etc. or Imperative Sentences
4. Wishes or Optative Sentences
5. Exclamations or Exclamatory Sentences
Assertive Sentences - An assertive sentence is one that affirms or negates a fact. An assertive sentence that affirms fact is called positive or affirmative sentence, wherease an assertive sentence that deny or negate fact is called negative sentence. An assertive sentence ends with a full stop.
Example - I like this painting.
I love to watch movies.

Inerrogative Sentences - An interrogative sentence is one that asks about or enquires a fact through a question. Interrogative sentence ends with a question mark(?). Interrogative sentences are of two types:
i. Interrogative sentences starting with auxillary verbs (Is, Am, Do, Shall, Will etc.).
ii. Interrogative sentences starting with interrogative words (When, Why, Where, How etc.).

Imperative Sentence- An imperative sentence is one that expreses a command, a request, an advice or a proposal. An imperative sentence is spoken to a person who is present before the speaker. So its subject You is usually omitted. Negative imperative sentences begin with Do not orNever
Example - (i) Hurry up -     Command
(ii) Please hurry up -     Request
(iii) Study well -     Advice
(iv) Let us go for a walk -     Proposal
Optative Sentence - An optative sentence is one that expreses a wish or a prayer involving a blessing or a curse. An optative sentence has an exclamation mark(!) at its end.
Example - (i) Long live the Queen!
(ii) May you enjoy peace and prosperity!

Exclamatory Sentence - An exclamatory sentence is one that expresses a sudden feeling (joy, sorrow, applause, wonder etc.). An exclamatory sentence has an exclamation mark(!) at its end.
Example - (i)What a lovely flower it is!
(ii)Alas! I am ruined
(iii)Hurrah! we have won the match
(iv)Hello! how are you


Exercise 1. Answer
  1. What is an assertive sentence? Name its two kinds with two examples of each.
  2. What is an interrogative sentence? Name its two kinds with two examples of each.
  3. What is an imperative sentence? What do imperative sentences express? Give four examples to explain your answer.
  4. What is an optative sentence? What does it express? Give three examples.
  5. What is an exclamatory sentence? What do exclamatory sentence express? Give four examples to explain your answer.
  6. What mark is put at the end of an -
    • Assertive sentence
    • Interrogative sentence
    • imperative sentence
    • Optative sentence
    • Exclamatory sentence
Exercise 2. Tell the kind (assertive, interrogative, imperative, optative, exclamatory)
1. How often do you take tea daily ?
2. A bevy of girls stood in the park.
3. May he be happy and prosperous!
4. She always has her way.
5. Never mix with bad children.
6. Let us go for a river-bath.
7. Is he a person to be trusted?
8. How lovely a child it is!
9. Stars twinkle like little lamps.
10. Alas! my wife is no more.
11. May the couple lead a happy life!
12. Sweet are the uses of adversity.
13. Who does not know this rogue?
14. Be off my eyes, rascal!
15. May you enjoy peace of mind!
16. Hurrah! daddy has come.
17. The train is not running on time.
18. Does your watch keep correct time.
19. Do not walk bare-foot on the grass.
20. What a fool I have been so far!
21. Call in the doctor, please.
22. It was a down daylight robbery.
23. Are you really out at elbows?
24. Ah! what a lovely rose.
25. Where has Ramesh gone today?
26. Bravo! what a fine catch.
27. May you suffer God's wrath!
28. Cursed be you, O tyrant!
29. May you go to the dogs!
30. May your husband ignore you, Shakuntala!
31. What though we happen to be late?
32. Ah, what a sight it was!
33. When can their glory fade?
34. How old are you?
35. I wish, I were young again!
36. Nights are always cool.

Exercise 3. Fill up each blank with a suitable word:
1. Assertive sentences affirm or _________ facts.
2. Optative sentences express _________.
3. Interrogative sentences ask _________.
4. Exclamatory sentences expresses _________.
5. Imperative sentences expresses a _________, _________, _________, _________.
6. The subject of an imperative sentence is _________ which is usually omitted.