Adjectives - Class 7 Grammar

Adjectives - Class 7 Grammar

Adjectives These are words used to desribe a noun or a pronoun.

Adjectives have two uses:

  • Attribute-Adjectives are said to be used attributively when they are placed close to and before the noun which they qualify. Example - A good boy, A red ball. An adjective so used is called an Epithet
  • Note:A few adjectives such as former, olden, etc. can be used only attributively.

  • Predicative-Adjectives are said to be used predicatively when they express what is declared of some person or thing, and come after the verb. Example - The boy is good, The ball is red
    NoteThere are a few adjectives such as alone, asleep, afraid, alike, aloof, alive, ashamed, awake, aware, content etc. which can only be used predicatively

  • Classification of Adjectives:

    1. Proper - These are derived from some Proper Nouns such as Indian, British, Vedic etc.
    2. Class - These describes the class or category to which the noun belongs. Example - Dowry is a social evil, We are in need of a financial help, We have many religious festivals
    3. Color - These describes the color of its noun. Example - She has brown hair and blue eyes, Neena is wearing a pale green top.
    4. Precision - These are used before the main adjective to make the description precise. Example - Your success in the last tough meeting is amazing, He is the only living heir to the throne.
    5. Qualitative - These describe the quality or state of a thing. Exmaple - He is an honest boy, The brave man faced the angry crowd, This is a large city, The foolish old crow tried to sing.
    6. Quantitative - These describe the quantity or number. Example - some, little, first, two, many, any, all, whole etc.
    7. Distributive - These are used to refer to each and every person / thing separately. Example - each, every, either, neither, any, both etc.
    8. Demostrative - These used to identify or express the relative position of a noun in time or space. Example - this, that, such, same, those etc.
    9. Interrogative - These describes a noun that is used in a question. Example - which, whose, what, when, whose etc.
    10. Emphasizing - These are used to emphasise statements. It heightens or reduces the effect of the noun they are modifying. Example - own, very etc.
    11. Adjective Substitutes - An adjective substitute is not a natural adjective. It only functions as an adjective. Example - What an amusing show?, The dying man gave a statement, He is a known writer of books.
    12. Compound - A compound adjective is made up of two or more words usually written with a hypen in between. Example - She is a good-looking girl, The built-up area is too small, I want a clear-cut answer to the question.

    Comparision of Adjectives

  • Positive Degree - The positive degree is the simplest form of the adjective. Example - tall, beautiful.
  • Comparative Degree - The comparative degree is the form used when a comparision is made between two persons or things. Example - He is taller than you., It is more beautiful than that.
  • Superlative Degree - The superlative degree is the form used when more than two things, or sets of things are compared. Example - He is the tallest boy in the class, She is the most beautiful of all.

  • Rules of Comparision

  • Adjectives of one syllable are compared by adding er and est in the Comparative and Superlative degree respectively.

    1. When the Positive ends in e, the e of er and est is dropped. Example - wise - wiser, wisest; pale - paler, palest.
    2. Whe the Positive ends in y preceeded by a consonant, y is changed into "i" before er and est. Example - dry - drier, driest.
      But when a vowel precedes y, it is not changed. Example - gay - gayer, gayest.
    3. If the Positive degree ends in a single consonant preceded by a single vowel, the consonant is doubled. Example - red - redder, reddest.
      But if it ends in two consonant, or has two vowels before the final consonant, the latter is not doubled. Example - thick - thicker, thickest; weak - weaker, weakest.
  • Adjectives of more than two syllables and most adjectives of two syllables are compared by adding more and most or less and least. Example - beautiful - more beautiful, most beautiful; active - more active, most active
  • All adjectives of two syllables ending in le, y, er and ow are generally compared as adjectives of one syllable

  • Comparisions
    Positive Comparative Superlative
    Noble Nobler Noblest
    Happy Happier Happiest
    Tender Tenderer Tenderest
    Narrow Narrower Narrowest

    Irregular Comparison

    Positive Comparative Superlative
    Bad, evil, ill Worse Worst
    Far Farther Farthest
    Good Better Best
    Late Later, Latter Latest, Last
    Little Less, Lesser Least
    Many, much More Most
    Near Nearer Nearest
    Old Older, elder Oldest, eldest

    Questions and Answers

    1. What is the positive degree of an adjective used for? Give two examples
    2. Ans. The positive degree of an adjective is used to express a quality in a simple positive way, i.e., only against a negative sense.
      Example - Ramu is an honest servant.
      Reeta is a charming girl.
    3. What is the comparative degree of an adjective used for? Give two examples
    4. Ans. The comparative degree of an adjective is used to compare two persons, things or groups etc. It is always followed by than.
      Example - Ramu is more honest than Raju.
      Reeta is more intelligent than Geeta.
    5. What is the superlative degree of an adjective used for? Give two examples
    6. Ans. The superlative degree of an adjective is used to compare a person or thing with a group. It is preceeded by the and followed by of or in.
      Example - Ramu is the most honest of all servants.
      Reeta is the most charming of all girls.
    7. By what word is the comparative degree of an adjective generally followed?
    8. Ans. The comparative degree of an adjective is generally followed by than.
    9. By what word is the superlative degree of an adjective generally preceeded?
    10. Ans. The superlative degree of an adjective is generally preceeded by the.
    11. When is the not used before a superlative degree?
    Ans. The is not used before a superlative degree in the following cases:
  • When a possessive word precedes the superlative degree.
    Example. He is my best friend.
    Rajesh has done his best.
  • When no comparision is meant but only a very high degree of quality is meant.
    Example - This is most unfortunate.
    That was most unwise on your part.

    1. What is an adjective? Name its kinds
    2. Ans. An adjective is a word that adds to the meaning of a noun.
      The different kinds of adjectives are:
      1. Adjectives of Quality
      2. Proper Adjectives
      3. Class Adjectives
      4. Color Adjectives
      5. Emphasizing Adjectives
      6. Precision Adjectives
      7. Adjective Substitutes
      8. Compound Adjectives
      9. There are no numeral, quantative and interrogative adjectives as these have become determiners(determiners are words placed in front of a noun to make it clear what the noun refers to) now.
    3. What is an adjective of quality?Give five examples
    4. Ans. An adjective of quality denotes some quality of its noun.
      Example - Abdul Majid was a brave soldier
      His watch has a golden chain
      The Taj Mahal is a wonderful building
      Delhi is an ancient city
      An honest person is respected everywhere.
    5. What is a proper adjective?Give five examples
    6. Ans. A proper adjective is formed from a proper noun.
      Example - The Gangetic plain is very fertile
      The Indian nation is a great nation
      European people are mostly fair
      Fahien was a Chinese piligrim
      The Turkish Empire was very vast.
    7. What is a color adjective?Give five examples
    8. Ans. A color adjective describes the color of its noun.
      Example - She has brown hair and blue eyes
      Rajesh wore a white shirt
      Black color absorbs light
      Your face looks redder than yesterday
      White color radiates light
    9. What is an emphasizing adjective?Give five examples
    10. Ans. An emphasizing adjective lays stress on a fact about its noun.
      Example - He looks a complete idiot
      We are strict vegetarians
      Netaji Subhash Chandra bose was a true patriot
      What was the total expenditure to build your house?
      I am reeling under utter despair
    11. What is a precision adjective?Give five examples
    12. Ans. A precision adjective is used before the main adjective to make the description precise.
      Example - Your success in the last tough examination was outstanding
      The old man was in his unusual white suit
      He is the only living heir to the throne
      Certain basic needs are common
      You have told the same old story again.
    13. What is an adjective substitute?Give five examples
    14. Ans. An adjective substitute is not a natural adjective. It only functions as an adjective.
      Example - The dying man gave a statement
      That bearded man is my uncle
      I have bought a furnished flat
      Her pleasing manners are nice indeed
      There is an alarming increase in expenses.